Tag Archives: Bar Chart

Donut chart data visualizations are useless!

visualization-32988_1280Let me just start out by saying that donut chart data visualizations are useless, in my humble opinion, and in this post I am going to try explain why I hold this view.

Before doing that let I want to state that the use of data visualizations can be very powerful when used correctly. Data visualization can help you “see” things in your data which conventional tables could not so easily expose.  There is absolutely no doubt that a collection of good data visualizations deliver information more effectively than a list of tables. There is also no refuting the fact that a lot of data can be displayed on a great data visualization allowing an overview which is just not possible via tables. At the same time there are downsides especially if  poor data visualizations require more time to understand than either a table or a different form of data visualization.

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